Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Simpson Ranch

During the school year, our church, OSBC, does something called small groups with the high schoolers. Well, at the end of each year, when all the planned lessons are finished, each group gets to go out and do something fun to celebrate.

The lessons that we were working on, before the end of the year, were variants on "What is a man?" One of the things noted that a man is, is someone who steps up. They don't wait to be asked to help. If they see a need, they do what they can to either meet that need, or at least, help out.

So, when it came time to plan our fun event, I proposed that we spend that time helping out a friend who has a TON of work to do on his house. his house needs a lot of work so that he, his wife, and their newborn baby have a place to live. My guys decided that was a more than acceptable way to finish out the year. Instead of wasting money and sitting around eating food, we grabbed our work glove and headed over to the Simpson Ranch to help out any way that we could.

Here are some pictures from the day:
The main task for the day was to move an enormous pile of garbage, from one side of the yard, to the dumpster on the other side of the yard. This pile was made up of a few walls and linoleum taken out of the remodeled kitchen, sheet rock, and all of the old roofing that was no longer any good. It was quite a massive pile.

There was even still a little bit of roofing that needed to be finished before the weather turned bad. Which, in the PNW, could be any moment.

Of course, you can't forget all the tons of nails that poked out of just about every piece of wood that we touched.

After a few solid hours of work, we were able to get to the bottom of the pile and separate all of the large pieces from medium pieces and get the itty bitty pieces in the bottom of the dumpster.

The dumpster was pretty full by the time we finished. I think that Josh said that there were only nine pieces of plywood that wouldn't fit. Not bad. It was a good day, and a great opportunity for the boys to help out.

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