Thursday, June 11, 2009

Random Musing - Eyeliner

Some would say that tattoos have dramatically increased in numbers and popularity over the last few years. I mean, they're cool. And looking cool with a tattoo is much better than looking cool with a cigarette. That's what they should do. Bring back Joe Camel and instead of giving him smokes, give him tats.

Not that there was a huge public outcry to bring the beloved smoking camel back, but there's the solution in case an outcry ever begins...

Anyways, a popular thing to do now is for ladies (or men too, i guess) to have the edges of their eyelids tattooed so that there is no longer any need for eyeliner. Not a bad idea. I guess I didn't realize that putting that stuff on was such a pain that you would endure a slightly different pain to avoid the previous pain...(what??)

But here's the concern. A certain person who is very close to me, who we'll just refer to as "mom", had this done. She said that it hurt incredibly bad, and she already has some tattoos. This was nothing like those. However, after suffering through it for however long it took, she proceeded to care for her new tattoos just as you would any other.

The picture below, was an unfortunate side effect of having eyeliner tattoos.

She woke up one morning and noticed that her left eye was no longer tattooed. It had rubbed off somewhere in the course of the night. Poor "mom". So now, she had to decide whether to go through the pain of having it re-tattooed, or suffer the pain of applying eyeliner to just one eye.

I love you "mom".

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