Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Shout Out

This is a special shout out to Denise.

Hi Denise!!

I heard that you look at my blog and were bummed that I hadn't posted anything for a while. So here you go. Something special just for you.

Have a great day!!

Random Musing - Poker Skills?

If ever I thought I had any skills at electronic fake gambling (which I have yet to think about myself), it was crushed today. No matter how good of a hand that I think I have, there is always someone with something better.

Here are my cards with the flop...

A full house on a flop?! Are you kidding me? This never happens. I'm going to run this guy for all that he has.

Then he turns over his cards...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! What are the odds? That's it. I'm never going to Vegas.