Friday, March 20, 2009

What To Expect

I want this blog attempt (because there have been many) to be a collection of lessons that I'm learning, a way to show friends and family some off the things that I am involved in, and to get all of the random thoughts out into the open.

Some very specific things that I will be including are:

What Jesus Said
Here I am going to go through the gospels, one at a time, and really take a deep look at the things that Jesus is saying and doing. I think that a lot of the time we hear what He did without actually discovering it for ourselves. I don't want to just assume that the people I am listing to are correct when it comes to my Lord. I want to learn, first hand, what He has to say.

10 on 10 Photo Journal
I actually stole this one from Janice, who stole it from who knows who else. Its where on the 10th of each month, I will take one picture of myself every hour for ten hours and upload them to the blog. They might be funny, boring, or absolutely bizarre. Who knows? But it sounds like fun.

TV/Movie Thoughts
I like watching TV and Movies and sometimes I want the world to know how I feel about a particular movie, or show, or even just a quote or ongoing theme. Also I will share if I think you should or should not partake in that particular media spectacle.

Random Musings
You guessed it. Randomness. This is where all of the things I want to just get off my chest and share will go. As well as my thoughts for the day...if I have them.

OSBC Youth
I am heavily involved with the Youth Group at my church and we frequently do things together. Not only as a whole group, but also as a small group. I am the leader of three very intelligent young men and we also do fun things together. You can find some of those things here as well.

Prayer Requests
I love prayer requests. I love knowing how people need prayer. So easily we get back into that frame of mind that says we can handle this on our own, and so quickly dismiss the power of corporate prayer. This is where I will post my own prayer requests as well as the requests of others. It's funny how nervous we get about sharing our dirt for the world to see. But as followers of Christ, being authentic and transparent, helps show the world that we really don't think we're better than anyone. We all sin. We all fall short of the glory of God. Only belief and trust in Jesus Christ can restore that relationship.

I'm sure I'll find more to go in here. I am really looking forward to it. Especially learning what Jesus wants says.

Please comment on anything.

1 comment:

  1. A 10 on 10 note - they pics can be of you OR what you are doing/where you are...just what is happening at that moment.

    Can't wait for April to see what you're up to!
